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Celesta Coffee Machine User Interface

Client: Cafe Coffee Day - Coffee Day

Year: 2013

In 2012, Coffee day started developing a touch screen user interface for their coffee machine which eventually replaced the machines placed in multiple corporate pantries and arports.

The Coffee Machine User interface design has been featured in  GUI DESIGN by SendPoints Publications ISBN / 978-988-13834-9-5


The inspiration for this design was “minimal & simple”.  To me, design is more than the way something looks. Design needs to consider the way something reacts (like to a touch), the way it functions and the experience it provides. When designing the touch-screen for the coffee-machine, I asked myself “How should people feel when they use this”? The simple answer for me was that it should delight them, facilitate a function and give them the best user-experience.

So I came up with a minimalistic design. Something that is simplistic and intuitive. Simplistic, not because of the absence of clutter, but because of the clarity and cohesiveness it provides to users. I also wanted to make sure that the design “stayed out of the way” while someone was experiencing the touch interface – that the design and thereby their interaction with the device would seem natural. I tried to bring out the harmonious relationship between type, color and shapes through this design.


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